Finally published

Finally Published

After working with author and publisher, Melinda Ferguson, I finally released my memoir, Coming Out Coming Home, during the COVID-19 lockdown in South Africa. Forced to stay home during the pandemic reiterated the true meaning of home. The memoir highlights my passage from childhood to middle age with many interesting twists and Read more…

I’m Home (Part 2)

In the first part of my adventure, I shared how I pitched my book to a panel of publishers, book dealers, and others. As exciting and promising as the entire process was, I was eventually informed that unfortunately, I was not one of the people chosen for publishing. My hopes Read more…

I’m Home

I’ve always wanted to write a book. When I was younger, I wrote and illustrated a children’s story. I printed and bound it at a cheap print retailer and gave the books to all my friends’ children as Christmas gifts. It was a small achievement but didn’t quite fulfill my Read more…